The Importance of Cyber Security for Your Businesses

Security should never be considered an add-on for your business - it’s a critical base element! The reality of today’s world is that security is becoming the elephant in the room that must be discussed.

Security should never be considered an add-on for your business – it’s a critical base element!
The reality of today’s world is that security is becoming the elephant in the room that must be discussed. The main driver behind this is that while most organisations know they need to have the conversation, they and their current partners lack the skillset to be able to have this conversation properly.

The challenge of keeping a secure environment

Having a secure environment is typically not easy, as any increase in security normally means a decrease in the ease of use of the environment. What do we mean by that? If you think back 20 years, people would gain access to what they needed using simple passwords (often the same password). Life was simple because it was easier to remember that password. They would use the same login details, known only to them, for everything.

Fast forward now to present day, and this same behaviour has resulted in a clothing website being hacked. The hackers were then able to use the usernames and passwords from that site to access other websites that the users had access to.

Making cyber security easier for users

When enlightened MSP’s bring in better controls and processes such as the need to have different passwords for every site, it complicates things from the users’ perspective as they perceive it to be a barrier to them using the systems. As a business, it is in your best interests to have your users onside and as such, we as your MSP, have to make security easy for them to use so productivity is not negatively impacted.

From Orro’s perspective, security is a way of life. We lead with talking to our clients about how we can ensure they retain productivity AND maintain appropriate security at the same time.  We do this by understanding your business at a deeper level, so we can look for ways to deliver your desired security level without placing “barriers” in the way of usability.

Training your people on the importance of cyber security

Training is one of the very important activities we focus on. We want your users to be secure both at home and at work, and showing them how to do this results in a mind shift for them. Showing them for instance how to secure their Facebook accounts and the negative impacts that can happen if they don’t, serves to make them more aware of the business influence should they not use the same mindset in the office.

There are many different aspects that are bundled under the topic of security, and it can appear to be a big scary process that is hard to master but with the right business partner, it’s actually quite easy.

If security is not your area of expertise and you need help to ensure it is addressed appropriately, talk to us. We can help meet your requirements, easily!


Get In Touch With Us Today.

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