Orro partners with leading universities to provide equal opportunities in tech

Date of Release


SYDNEY – Orro Group, one of Australia’s leading secure network providers, has announced the recipients of the company’s first university scholarship program, in partnership with University of Technology Sydney and Western Sydney University.

The aim of the scholarship program, supported by Orro in conjunction with The Generations Foundation, is to equalise opportunities in the IT and technology sector by supporting people from under-represented groups and experiencing educational barriers. Orro has announced five of the seven recipients of its scholarship program, with two more places yet to be announced in the coming months.

Through the scholarship program, recipients will receive financial support for the entirety of their degree, as well as a place in Orro’s internship program where the students can develop meaningful skills while completing their degrees. After graduating, there is also the opportunity for a position in Orro’s Grad Program, enabling recipients to gain experience across various parts of the business.

Operating in a traditionally male dominated sector, Orro recognises the work that must be done to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Beyond increasing the representation of women in technology, Orro is dedicated to the encouragement and support of those from underrepresented backgrounds that wish to pursue a career in the IT and technology sector.

Rachel Sands, Chief People Officer at Orro Group has been a driving force behind many Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives currently underway at Orro. The university scholarship program is just one of the many initiatives that is putting Orro on the map as one of the most diverse and inclusive places to work.

“We have a unique opportunity at Orro to lead the IT and technology sector forward in terms of DEI programs. It is my hope that programs such as our university scholarships will inspire those wanting a career in tech and assure them that the IT and technology industry is changing for the better. By providing opportunities and supporting minority groups through our scholarship program, we hope to show the industry the positive impacts of a diverse workforce – and attract a new generation of talent who can do great things for our customers,” Ms Sands said.

The university scholarship program is a first for the company and is another step in Orro’s mission to drive forward diversity and inclusion in the IT and technology sector and encourage other organisations to follow suit.

Professor Alphia Possamai-Inesedy, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Engagement and Advancement at Western Sydney University thanked Orro for its significant contribution to supporting the next generation of IT and technology professionals.

“Western Sydney University is delighted to partner with Orro on its inaugural scholarship program which is supporting a diverse and talented group of students, including many from the western Sydney region. Connecting students from a range of backgrounds with opportunity, the scholarship program will provide financial support in addition to valuable hands-on learning opportunities with one of Australia’s leading secure network providers,” Professor Possamai-Inesedy said.

Lydiya Dowling, Business Relationship Manager from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at University of Technology Sydney said, “UTS’s fundamental commitment to social justice, equity and respect for diversity ties closely with the proud tradition of helping all students, no matter what their background is, to reach their full potential. We are honored to have a community of supporters like Orro and The Generations Foundation providing our students with the support and opportunities to follow their dreams.”

The Orro Scholarship Program begins at the start of the Autumn 2022 session and will run for the length of the degree.

Scholarship recipients

Zubair Hossain from University of Technology Sydney

As a migrant from Bangladesh, technology and computers were things that he didn’t have access to prior to coming to Australia. Upon his arrival, Zubair’s interest and passion for IT has grown into a life goal, as he now seeks to contribute to and shake up the industry, he’s so passionate about.

In his application for the scholarship program, Zubair shared his admiration for the IT sector: “I believe people in the IT / engineering sector are some of the most valuable aspects of society. They create, they innovate, they have developed tools and programs which has allowed society to progress rapidly. I want to be a part of that process and develop something useful for society, something that’ll improve us.”

Zubair is also a carer for his injured mother, meaning that a lot of his time is spent caring for her, and any money he receives from support payments is shared back with the family. As such, this scholarship provides immense financial relief as well as invaluable experience from the internship program, as Zubair has not been able to work.

Mila Fisher from University of Technology Sydney

Mila is a first-year student at UTS studying a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Bachelor of Laws. Born and raised in Australia by her mother, Mila struggled during school, ultimately leading her to drop out in year 10. After a year of working, she decided to complete her HSC, so enrolled in TAFE to complete year 11 and year 12 simultaneously and graduated at the same time as her peers. Her tenacity and determination not only inspired others but inspired herself. She now has a deep passion for learning and is excited to begin her career as an IT professional. For Mila, receiving this scholarship not only provides financial support for her current degree, but opens up the opportunity to pursue her Honours degree.

Charmaine Le from University of Technology Sydney

As the first member of her family to attend university, Charmaine has her sights set high in the cybersecurity field. After spending much of the pandemic online with the rest of the world, Charmaine developed a keen interest in cybersecurity, igniting a passion for the growing sector and what it can provide for the growing digital landscape. For Charmaine, the internship aspect of the scholarship is what she looks forward to most, allowing her to gain industry experience and apply knowledge learned in her course.

Matthew Beerens from Western Sydney University

A proud Indigenous Australian, Matthew grew up in the Western Sydney suburb of St Marys with his family, dreaming of a career in technology but never imagining that it would come true. Matthew has always had an interest in technology and IT and taught himself how to code before applying to study computer science at Western Sydney University. Being a recipient of the Orro Scholarship, Matthew can see his dream career becoming a reality and hopes that this opportunity will lead him to working in research and development.

When asked what the scholarship means to him, Matthew said ‘Security. Support. It gives me hope.’

Alexandra Purvis from Western Sydney University

When leaving high school in year 10, a career in technology seemed very far away. Fast forward a couple of years and following the birth of her son in 2015, Alexandra found herself enrolling into a Bachelor of Cybersecurity and Behaviour after seeking a career change to support her son and parents. For Alexandra, the typical pressures of study are accompanied by full-time motherhood and caring for her terminally ill father until he recently moved into a full-time care facility. For Alexandra, being the recipient of the Orro Scholarship not only frees up the financial burden of studying but opens important avenues of opportunity that will impact her son’s life. Striving to give him the best opportunities possible, the scholarship for Alexandra allows her to consider moving closer to opportunities for her son as he grows up.

The Orro Equity Scholarship is part of Orro’s broader DEI program, with a number of initiatives that support current and future employees of the organisation. Notably, Orro has partnered with Xceptional, an employment agency for the neurodiverse. The partnership involved Xceptional helping to re-train hiring managers to ensure that the hiring process is inclusive and supportive of neurodiverse individuals. These initiatives, alongside the formalisation of hybrid work, extended parental leave and an internal Women in Tech network, are initiatives creating a positive and inclusive work culture at Orro.

For more information about Orro’s DEI initiatives, please visit https://orro.group/esg

About The Generations Foundation

Founded by investment firm, Liverpool Partners, The Generations Foundation partners with organisations around the world to help bring quality education to disadvantaged children and tertiary students. For more information about The Generations Foundation please visit https://www.thegenerationsfoundation.com/


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