Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
At Orro, we pride ourselves on our reputation for acting with integrity and honesty wherever we do business.
We are committed to a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. Our reputation is built on our values as a company, the professionalism of our employees and our collective commitment to acting with integrity, accountability and transparency at all times.
Bribery and Corruption undermines legitimate business activities, distorts competition and exposes Orro and its employees to significant risks.
Our commitment to doing business with integrity includes always complying with the laws of every country in which we operate.

We act with integrity by:
Never offering, paying, soliciting or accepting bribes in any form (including Facilitation payments);
Never engaging in any form of corrupt business practice, whether for the benefit of Orro, yourself or another party;
Never offering or accepting an item, money, travel, hospitality, entertainment or other token of appreciation that may be construed or used by others to allege favouritism, discrimination, collusion or similarly unacceptable practices;
Never making donations, whether in cash or kind, in support of any political parties or candidates for public offices;
Ensuring that all employees are trained on our internal Code of Conduct, Fraud Control and Anti-Bribery and Corruption policies; and
Ensuring that all employees are aware of and have access to our whistleblower hotline.
Why Us
We are a multi-disciplinary technology powerhouse, committed to keeping our customers secure and connected. We partner with our customers to boldly embrace the challenges of tomorrow, ignite innovation, and facilitate growth.
Trusted Partner
Our customers don’t just trust us to keep them productive and secure today, but to prepare them for what’s next, to grow with them over time and to collaboratively shape their future.
Strategic Advisor
With deep expertise in multiple facets of technology, our customers rely on us to provide them with strategic advice and guidance, helping them make smart moves towards a secure future
Solution Provider
Our versatile suite of skills enables us to tackle complex challenges for our customers, providing them with complete business solutions that draw from our vast pool of expertise and resources.
The future
feels like this.®
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