The Business Advantages of NBN and SD-WAN

The rise of the NBN and SD-WAN have gone hand-in-hand in Australia, providing organisations of all sizes – from Australia Post right down to SMEs – with greater flexibility and choice when it comes to broadband.

What Is the Role of the Modern CTO?

The modern Chief Technology Officer can’t afford to be myopic and simply focus on technology, they need to look at the big picture in order to fully support the business.

5 Key Metrics to Measure Digital Initiatives

Modern CTO

In the midst of unprecedented digital disruption, it is important for CEOs to establish ways to ensure digital initiatives are actually delivering results for the business. There are five key metrics to consider when it comes to quantifying the impact of digital on the bottom line.

5 Reasons to Shift to Hybrid Cloud Today

Every day, the business world becomes more unpredictable. That’s why business leaders are looking for greater certainty and control, wherever they can find it.