Why Businesses Should Invest in Enterprise-Grade Networks

A secure, reliable network is critical for businesses everywhere. We are using cloud-based apps and video conferencing more than ever to connect, collaborate and work from anywhere. The traditional office has shifted to a hybrid model where workers connect to the network remotely, often with their own device.

A secure, reliable network is critical for businesses everywhere. We are using cloud-based apps and video conferencing more than ever to connect, collaborate and work from anywhere. The traditional office has shifted to a hybrid model where workers connect to the network remotely, often with their own device.

These changes to the way we work have significantly increased the demand on the network in terms of bandwidth and security. We need to move more data faster, both up and down the network, and throughout it. We also need assurance that when we connect, the data, device and business are protected from cyber threats.

Powered by nbn® the backbone of Australia’s digital network, Orro is delivering enterprise-grade networks to securely power businesses now and into the future.

No matter how large or small your business is, you can now take advantage of nbn®’s fibre-based network to access the wholesale bandwidth and network reliability that’s driving innovation for businesses across the country.

In this article, we look at the top three reasons why your business needs to invest in an enterprise-grade network.

1. Enhanced performance and reliability

Business quickly grinds to a halt without a working network or internet connection. Downtime costs money and risks relationships with customers when your business is unable to complete transactions or access critical systems and data.

But with the right network architecture and tools in place, you can create a stable network and consistent connection that minimises downtime and allows your business to function efficiently.

Orro leverages business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet with a 99.95% network availability target, helping to achieve less downtime for businesses across Australia. We design SLAs to meet customers’ specific needs, so you can have confidence that should you experience an outage, you can access 24×7 support to help get your business back up and running quickly.

2. Advanced security that won’t slow you down

With cyber attacks on businesses exploding, having robust and up-to-date security across the network is critical to keeping data and devices safe. Resilient bandwidth helps ensure your business continues running smoothly with the peace of mind that your network is secure.

Network security continues to shift towards Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), an identity-driven cloud service that ensures employees, customers and suppliers can securely access critical apps from anywhere. Enterprise-grade ethernet helps support a SASE framework including Secure Web Gateways, firewall and Web API Protection as a Service without compromising network performance.

3. Future-proof your business

To truly future-proof your business, you need a flexible, scalable secure network that is designed to meet the needs of your team now and as you grow.

An enterprise-grade network combines advanced network architecture with cloud integration and comprehensive network management tools that deliver scalability and flexibility. This allows businesses to scale network infrastructure seamlessly, allocate resources dynamically and adapt to evolving requirements, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

Orro builds secure networks on business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet with its robust fibre network that’s designed to support businesses of any size. Whether you have four sites or four thousand, this network solution and the right carriers will keep your business operating without disruption.

The way we work has changed, and so have the data and connectivity needs of businesses. Investing in an enterprise-grade network will deliver the performance, reliability, security and scalability you need as your business grows.

It takes a powerful network to keep Australia’s businesses running, and that’s exactly what Orro delivers with the help of business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet. It’s the enterprise-grade network to securely power businesses now and into the future.


Transform your business with a secure network designed by Orro and powered by business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet, delivering fast and reliable access.

Find out more.

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